CNN has shown some effort to put public health over advertiser interests! In a recent article in their Health section, they publicize warnings from a group of scientists who say one common chemical is causing serious damage to a child’s developing brain.
The scientists are from Project TENDR (Targeting Environmental Neuro-Devleopmental Risks.). The article discusses the multitudes of studies showing the ability of one very common chemical (called phthalates) to throw a monkey wrench into the delicate brain growth process during pregnancy and beyond. In other words – stealing a child’s potential right out from under them.
A synopsis of the article should make you ask “Is It Good For Me?”
As stated by lead researcher, Dr. Stephanie Engel (University of North Carolina School of Public Health) – “We have enough evidence right now to be concerned about the impact of these chemicals on a child’s risk of attention, learning and behavioral disorders.”
The chemical causing all the ruckus is called “phthalates” – Yes, definitely a weird spelling but is typically pronounced “thallates.” They are called “everywhere chemicals” because they are literally everywhere – and we breathe, eat and smear these chemicals onto ourselves throughout the day.
First, it helps to know why manufacturers have such a love affair with phthalates. When it is mixed with common hard plastics, it magically makes it flexible and soft as in vinyl seats or couches. The CNN article goes on to state it is also used in plastic wrap type food packaging which easily migrates off the plastic and into the food. How many times have you purchased meat wrapped in stretchable plastic wrap? Bingo!
Phthalates are also used in liquid detergents, vinyl flooring, plastic based clothing (polyester), furniture, shower curtains and scores of other products including shampoos, soap and hair spray. They are also used to make garden hoses flexible, pvc plumbing pipes, childrens’ toys and medical tubing. It plays a major role as a thickening agent in most cosmetics and lipsticks. In other words, it really is everywhere.
Another industry romancing phthalates is the fragrance industry. The chemical is not only an excellent “thickener’ in cosmetic creams and lotions, but works very well in fragrance products such as perfumes and air fresheners. In fact, most plug-in type air fresheners are very high in phthalates. Under current FDA regulations, the chemical can hide under the name “fragrance” and can be as much as 20% of the product – and you wouldn’t have a clue.
A study conducted by the National Resources Defense Council found that 86% of air fresheners contain phthalates. This is of concern since air fresheners are intentionally designed to evaporate the chemical into the air for everyone to breathe freely.
While most people are aware diabetes has been increasing rapidly in the U.S. the past 50 years and affecting people at younger and younger ages – they are unaware of several studies showing phthalate blood levels are higher in those with diabetes.
From hair to skin cream usage, black Americans have unique cultural practices that would increase their phthalate exposure as well. In fact, one study found they had 80% higher blood phthalate levels than other races. With the latest studies on the dangers of phthalates, this quickly leads to speculation on the chemical’s impact on increased health disorders unique to the African American community.
The paragraph below is a direct quote from the CNN article:
“One study, for example, found children of mothers with the highest levels of phthalates in their urine during their second trimester had almost three times the odds of being diagnosed with ADHD as children with mothers who had much lower levels…. One study discovered children who were exposed to higher levels of phthalates in utero had an IQ level that was seven points lower than children with less exposure.
What’s truly scary about this…. Scientists identified a 7 point drop in IQ in the highest phthalate group. Therefore, if IQ is stolen from the child – what about more abstract brain functions? Such as those involved in – sports ability – music – art – creativity – leadership ability – ingenuity – personality – or empathy? Those we can’t measure but are most certainly being stolen as well. How will that affect future society if it continues to worsen year after year?”
I used to substitute as a para-professional in our school district.
Air plug ins were in many areas to counteract the classroom stench created by a bunch of sweaty, maturing children. I react like an ADD affected person when I am around them. Can’t sit still, can’t focus and get emotional. If this happens to my adult brain, what is happening to the little brains?
Encourage everyone you know, especially areas with children, to rid their homes of these horrible chemicals.
The CNN article goes on to state that phthalates are also connected with causing childhood obesity, asthma, heart disorders, cancer and reproductive problems such as undescended testicles in baby boys, low sperm counts and low testosterone levels in adult males.
Here’s food for thought. Most of Europe has banned the five worst phthalate chemicals in nearly all of its products. However, in the U.S. – we haven’t banned the chemicals in all products. Apparently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission did recently mandate reductions in the amounts of the worst phthalates to .1% or less in baby toys and other child products (such as mattresses, teethers, vinyl bed coverings etc, Apparently, this only covered baby and child products but nothing else (but .1% is not zero).
So, while people in Europe have far less exposure to health damaging phthalates – for us here in the U.S. – we still use it like candy.
Thank you to reporter Sandee LaMotte for writing the CNN article and thank you to CNN for allowing it on their website.