Personal Care Products Worsening Air Pollution?

Published by Fogle40 on

If you’ve read the About Me page you know how sensitive I am to chemicals.  Recently in a conversation that started about seasonal allergies, I shared a few of the smells that send me into a reaction.  What I found interesting was all three of us discussing the allergies were sensitive to some of the same things!  Reactions were different and different in severity, but I believe the number of folks becoming more sensitive to chemicals is growing.  I no longer get the total “deer in the headlights” look when I mention my condition to people.

I recently found an interesting article linking the volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in personal care items to changes in the atmosphere.  I am not surprised at all.  Nor am I surprised more folks are noticing the connection between chemicals and their health.  Because of the environmental link and all the press it may warrant,  I can only be hopeful these findings may help others eliminate the offenders and become healthier.

If you talk to older people, they rarely had cancer among family and friends.  Now, if you don’t know of someone with cancer, it’s rare.  Miscarriages are another area where over the course of years have become more prevalent.  Are these health conditions becoming more prevalent for a reason?  Read the article, I think you will agree with me.

As always I ask before using things “But Is It Good for Me?”  Share with your friends so they can ask that question too.  Maybe it’s not too late to turn around the health of our children and grandchildren.


How would I describe myself? Wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, organic farmer, canary, green, loyal, caring, faithful, crafty and open-minded.