Fragrance – But Is It Good For You?

Published by Fogle40 on

If you’ve read my About Me page, you know fragrance and I don’t get along well.  Chemicals are not good for us and most of us don’t know how prolific they are in our lives.

I was recently made aware of an interesting movie available on You Tube.  It is eye opening.  I hope if you get a little time, you will watch.  Having information will help us all become better consumers.  If you struggle with headaches or migraines, restless legs or are constantly fatigued, you owe it to yourself to watch.

Trade secret formulas are protected and you will not be able to determine what chemicals are in the recipe. Many chemicals are harmful to health and are used in everything from cleaning products, personal care items, and perfumes.

I believe the elimination of scented products has helped our household be healthier.  I know it’s a big claim, but I hope you will watch.  Chemicals in our bloodstream will shock you.

If you think about it or look back in history, endocrine disrupting chemicals are more prevalent than they were over 50-75 years ago.  Is the fact that more miscarriages, birth defects, autism, diabetes, obesity, cancer and learning disabilities are more prevalent now than 50 years ago linked to our increased use of chemicals?  I don’t believe it’s a stretch at all to believe there is a connection.

Don’t believe me or the movie, think about what you know.  I’m not one to be radical and vocal about what I believe.  I’m no scientist.  I just know how chemicals affect me.

I used to love my perfume.  My husband and I had signature scents, which if I am honest, still miss.  But, I know for a fact that my headaches and migraines decreased drastically with the elimination of chemicals in our household.  I know that when I am around cleaning chemicals in restaurants and stores, I can get muscle twitches, restless legs, and very anxious or irritable.  I know that pesticides and fertilizers make me feel like something is biting me all over.  I know farm chemicals sprayed a mile or so away will make me very teary if I’m outside and get the drift.

Watch the movie.   See what you think.  But I know eliminating chemicals has helped us and could be good for you too!  Educate yourself.



How would I describe myself? Wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, organic farmer, canary, green, loyal, caring, faithful, crafty and open-minded.