FAR Infared Sauna Review

Published by Fogle40 on

So What is a FAR Infared Sauna?

Infrared saunas, also called far-infrared saunas, heat their chamber or pods to only 104–150 degrees Fahrenheit. This provides, as many claim, a more relaxing and therapeutic experience, perfect for fibromyalgia flare ups I experience.  Yet another tool in my arsenal to find fibromyalgia natural treatments. 

According to Dr. Josh Axe, infrared saunas work by producing infrared light waves that create heat in the body, as opposed to heating the room around you. This in turn raises your internal temperature, and causes you to sweat like crazy, releasing stored up toxins.

According to a study, “as infrared heat penetrates more deeply (approximately 3–4 centimeters into fat tissue and muscles) than warmed air (only a few millimeters), infrared sauna users develop a more vigorous sweat at a lower temperature than they would in traditional saunas within fifteen or so minutes. Honestly, I drip sweat like crazy in there!

I have coveted an Infared Sauna for years. The wood and the price kept holding me back. About five years ago I even tried to convert a bathtub enclosure into a sauna with an Infared Heat Lamp system we rigged up. Only problem was it didn’t heat well with the top of the tub enclosure being open:) I loved the relaxation but didn’t really feel the benefits.

I had these top ten reasons to use Infared Sauna firmly implanted in my memory.

Cardiologists report that beyond the incredible relaxation effect it has, infrared therapy has been shown to increase endorphin levels even after a sauna session. “It’s proven to be beneficial for musculoskeletal ailments, heavy metal detoxification, increased blood flow, and boosting the immune system’s cell activity.”

Another reason to try out infrared therapy? A session may reduce the effects of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Studies have found that exposing skin to heat from infrared lamps can mimic the effect of antidepressants by stimulating the production of serotonin, the hormone linked to mood regulation. My husband suffers with SAD and the thought of this benefitting that as well as his arthritis also urged us to use the sauna.

Infrared Sauna Dangers

No pain or negative side effects have been reported with infrared saunas, even in those who normally cannot tolerate other types of saunas or heat therapy. Personally, I can’t stand normal types of saunas and can’t always tolerate the wood utilized, especially heated. For me the some of the woods, cedar especially, will cause more problems than benefits.

I would encourage everyone to talk to their physician before beginning Infared Sauna Therapy. Especially those with heart problems, high blood pressure or are pregnant should definitely consult their medical practitioner.

How Often Should I Use the Sauna?

Most recommend using the sauna for 30-45 minutes at least 3-4 times per week for maximum benefits. However, maximum benefits may be seen with daily use.

Sauna I Use

Like I said, I have wanted one of these for ages but didn’t feel comfortable spending thousands. I was fortunate to find a used portable sauna locally. This is the sauna we are using. It is within the more affordable range and works like a dream!

How Does It Feel?

It doesn’t feel like the typical sauna where you can’t breathe. Well duh, of course because your head is out. But honestly, it isn’t the same type of heat as in a traditional dry heat sauna. It feels like laying in the sunshine on the beach. I’ll be honest, I’ve been known to lay out on the front porch in the concrete to absorb the heat. That’s what it feels like only hotter and more intense. I begin to sweat in about 10 minutes at 130 degrees. I can’t even read after about 20 minutes because I’m sweating so much. After I hop out, I pop in the shower.

I choose to use the sauna first thing in the morning. With my fibromyalgia pain, sometimes I almost hate to go to bed because of how I hurt in the morning (although it is less using my earthing sheet.) So for me using the sauna in the morning makes perfect sense. After I get out of the sauna, I really don’t hurt. I feel energized and am able to move so much better early in the morning. I was truly surprised at the results, it’s only been a week. I can’t wait to see how the long-term use will affect me!

Again, the question I always come back to and hope to encourage you to as well…But Is It Good For Me? Infared Sauna is definitely good for me and I encourage those of you in pain to give it a try too. If you don’t like the portable version, there are full size saunas you can use. For the minimal investment though, get started. You can always upgrade and sell your portable one.


How would I describe myself? Wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, organic farmer, canary, green, loyal, caring, faithful, crafty and open-minded.