How Do You Feel Barefoot At The Beach? Fight Fatigue Naturally

Published by Fogle40 on

It’s an odd question with the snow flying and the wind whistling here in Central Iowa.  Connecting with the sand in your toes, the sun on your back, it’s about as good as it gets.  That’s earthing at its finest!

Earthing?  Yes, connecting your bare feet to the earth.  Sand at the beach is my favorite way, but you get the same effect standing outside in your yard. Problem is it’s not always practical, especially for any length of time.

The Earth has analgesic properties.  Go outside and stand, sit, or walk on the ground barefoot for at least a half hour.  In that time you will likely notice that your pain is less.

Being isolated from the earth by non-conductive materials like wood, tile, carpet, as well as rubber and plastic in our shoes, leaves us feeling fatigued and unhealthy.
Chronic inflammation is caused by positively charged molecules called free radicals. When you make direct contact with the Earth, either by being barefoot outside or using an Earthing product indoors, electrons from the Earth enter your body and reduce the free radicals and inflammation.  At this point, the concept is theoretical, but supported by our research and feedback from thousands of people who use Earthing products.
Medical research has found that many of the chronic and debilitating diseases of our time have the same cause: chronic inflammation.  Scientists now realize that pain and disease arise in our bodies where an inflammatory response has taken place, but the inflammation has not completely stopped after the healing process. A low level of chronic inflammation can continue for years, damaging normal tissues and wasting energy.

The human immune system evolved over a long span of time during which we were in virtually constant skin contact with the Earth. In our modern society, humans no longer walk barefoot. We wear shoes that insulate us from the Earth’s energy. In recent decades the incidence of chronic diseases, allergies, auto-immune conditions, and insomnia has soared. One overlooked possibility for this alarming increase is that the immune system is functioning less efficiently as most humans today live ungrounded.

There are Earthing products you can use inside while sitting or sleeping.  Think of them as extension cords connecting you in your house or office to the Earth outside.  They are wonderful not only for us but for our pets who no longer sleep outside or run outside to get the benefits of their direct connection with the ground.  

I tend to clench my teeth and squeeze my hands together all night long while sleeping.  I’ve found that in the mornings I can’t open containers and my hands are painful.  When I discovered Earthing and began sleeping on the Earthing Sheet, my hands did not hurt in the morning.  I sleep so much more soundly and wake up feeling less pain.  I’ve used one of these for many, many years and have worn out two sheets.  But it’s something I will continue to use because I know it’s so good for me.

Does it sound a little far fetched?  You bet and folks look at me like I’m nuts, but honestly it makes a difference.  I’ve recommended them to several people dealing with chronic inflammation.  If you’d like more information, read the book.

One thing I know for sure, Earthing is good for me.


How would I describe myself? Wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, organic farmer, canary, green, loyal, caring, faithful, crafty and open-minded.