Let’s Talk Man Boobs…
Yes, you read it right. Man Boobs (Moobs) are a big deal for many men, young and old. Officially called gynecomastia, Moobs is a condition in which benign swelling of breast tissue occurs in men. Usually man boobs are caused by fluctuating hormones, think puberty or old age. Rising or fluctuating estrogen levels and/or declining testosterone may trigger the condition.
Personal products like lotions, deodorants, soaps, plastic food containers, water bottles and yes, even cashier receipts all contain either bisphenol-A (BPA) an industrial chemical used in the production of plastics, or phthalates which are synthetic chemicals used to make plastics softer. Both BPA and phthalates are endocrine disruptors. These can potentially give rise to man boobs. A study in Reproductive Toxicology found that abnormal breast growth in both boys and men may occur with minimal exposure to BPA.
Included in many body wash, shampoo, shaving cream, and personal items are parabens, another hormone disruptor. Parabens are added to personal care items to prevent the growth of microbes in products. They also have the the ability to mimic estrogen and promote breast tissue growth.
What Can You Do?
To prevent man boobs and help level out hormone levels, especially in children, look for paraben-free products. Limit use of soft plastics, don’t microwave items in plastic, email receipts and look for BPA-free products.
Some man boobs are also caused by fatty deposits in obese men.
How to Get Rid of Man Boobs
A program has been developed to help men get rid of their enlarged breasts without seeing a plastic surgeon.
Look here for more information on how to get rid of man boobs.
And the question I always ask when I see things like this to share with you…But Is It Good for Me? Are there real reasons to change our behavior and avoid parabens, phthalates, or bisphenol-A (BPA)? Absolutely.
1 Comment
Toxic Dryer Exhaust from Laundry Vents? | ButIsItGoodForMe.com · July 17, 2021 at 3:13 am
[…] Yes, dryer vents are an overlooked source of severe environmental pollution. Take a walk in any neighborhood and chances are you can tell who is doing laundry. Toxic. dryer emissions are now classified as hazardous air pollutants. Among the chemicals exhausted through dryer vents are phthalates. […]
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