Toxic Dryer Exhaust from Laundry Vents?
Yes, dryer vents are an overlooked source of severe environmental pollution. Take a walk in any neighborhood and chances are you can tell who is doing laundry. Toxic. dryer emissions are now classified as hazardous air pollutants. Among the chemicals exhausted through dryer vents are phthalates.
Most of the toxins produced are on a base of petroleum distillates which makes them stick to fibers and surfaces around us. An hour after laundry has finished, the toxins and chemicals are still present. The chemicals cling to buildings, our hair, clothing, items inside our homes and the landscaping.
But I don’t smell it! No, “olfactory adaptation” in most people renders noses blind to the effects of laundry chemicals in our environment. It’s still there and still hanging around. I can attest to this.
Olfactory Fatigue is a sensory adaptation. It enables your body to adapt to prolonged exposure to smells so that your nervous systems doesn’t become overloaded, as it needs to be ready to respond to new smells. The chemicals you are breathing in are hazardous even though your nose is not detecting the smell.
For example, think of that older aunt you have who uses so much perfume it gags you, yet she continues to add more because she doesn’t think she has enough on. We all know folks like that. Smokers are also notorious, their olfactory adaptation kicks in and they don’t believe they smell like smoke.
Some people who are sensitive, much like I am, do not have the olfactory adaptation that kicks in. I often can walk by someone and could tell you what laundry detergent or fabric softener, dryer sheets they’ve used.
So what’s the big deal?
With exposure to laundry exhaust or buildup in fabrics, people experience headaches, loss of energy, irritation of mucus membranes, allergies, asthma attacks and digestive symptoms. Certain scents can cause different reactions. It can be hard to discern what is causing mysterious symptoms.
Do you experience any of those symptoms you can’t explain? Could it be because of your laundry, you bet. Could you get rid of the “good smelling” laundry? What about that pine fresh scent? Scented window cleaner? As you ask that question, remember, is it good for me? Clean has no scent.